The most wonderful time of the year is upon us and it wouldn’t start off the same without (what is turning out to be our annual) Joyhouse winter wreath making class! If you haven’t been to Joy House Coffee Shop in Circleville, head on over there now! The space is beautiful and made even more cozy by the new owners who have worked magic there for the past year. I was so excited that the ladies I got to meet at this workshop didn’t find the class through our bramble run site but signed up through Joy House itself. Fresh faces to me! Here are some pictures of their beautiful work. As always we had the ladies who doubted that they could pull anything together of beauty, but surprised themselves and a great sprinkling of the ladies who are old pros. Take a look for yourself and join us next year! Or if just can’t wait, follow us on our social accounts or subscribe to the bramble run farm email list to get a heads up on the workshops over the season at bramblerunfarm.com!